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Velocity Manufacturing

The problem:  It’s difficult to improve the bottom-line in job shops and custom manufacturers.

  • Productivity is too low.
  • Not everyone shows up for work.
  • Machines go down.
  • We’re frequently missing what we need.
  • Setups are taking too long.
  • We’re not shipping enough.
  • On-time delivery is not great.
  • Quality is not perfect.
  • Lead-times are too long.
  • Lots of firefighting and chaos.
  • Costs are too high.
  • Overhead costs are increasing.
  • Raw materials costs are increasing and changing.
  • Jobs are not profitable or profitable enough.
  • Cash flow is too slow.
  • Information is missing.
  • Customers are constantly making changes.
  • Competition is increasing.
  • Quoting is time consuming.
  • We’re not confident in our prices.
  • Sales growth is unpredictable.
  • Can’t ship orders we have / Need sales.
  • Our ERP doesn’t seem to be helping.

There are no shortages of challenges and problems.  But if you’re playing Whac-A-Mole with your focus or “improvements” you’re likely to have little or no bottom-line impact. 

The solution:  Velocity Manufacturing!

The solution is based on Theory of Constraints and inherent simplicity.  Most or all of the above problems are connected to one root cause.   In Velocity Manufacturing we understand and use these connections to dramatically improve.  And because we’re working on the root cause, bottom-line improvements are FAST*.

Fill out this form to request a no charge Strategy Session. We will go deep to determine where YOUR constraint is and where YOU should start implementing Velocity in YOUR shop.

During the session:

  • We’ll determine if YOUR shop is a good fit; 
  • We’ll provide you with an idea of how much YOU could improve; and
  • You’ll leave understanding exactly what YOU need to do next.

This free session takes about an hour. 

Strategy Session Request

What is Velocity Manufacturing?

Velocity Manufacturing is a complete, holistic approach aimed at maximizing the profitability of job shops and custom manufacturers. It’s designed to help you BUILD the needed capabilities based on your root cause, CAPITALIZE on your newfound capabilities, and SUSTAIN these results as you grow with the right systems, processes and measures.

Given the unique, complex nature of job shops and custom manufacturers, Velocity Manufacturing must be customized to YOUR unique environment.  Off the shelf Theory of Constraints and solutions simply don’t work in this environment. 

And, that’s where we come in.  We’ve work with over 500 high custom job shops.

Velocity Manufacturing System

Our Mission Is to Help Custom Manufacturers Build the Foundation of a Secure Future

Check out just some the the results* —>





We start by building your FLOW systems and processes in manufacturing to increase your productivity and due date performance to improve your RELIABILITY.



Next we install your quoting and pricing FLOW systems to capitalize on your improved RELIABILITY and to track and increase your flow of money.



Then we ensure the FLOW of information is established to manage capacity along with continuous improvement so that you can consistently deliver your unrefusable offer.  

Fill out this form to request a no charge Strategy Session. We will go deep to determine where YOUR constraint is and where YOU should start implementing Velocity in YOUR shop.

During the session:

  • We’ll determine if YOUR shop is a good fit; 
  • We’ll provide you with an idea of how much YOU could improve; and
  • You’ll leave understanding exactly what YOU need to do next.

This free session takes about an hour. 

Strategy Session Request
Who can benefit from Velocity Manufacturing?

Velocity Manufacturing has been designed to help job shops and custom manufacturers build a capability no one in their industry has, capitalize on the capability by developing a holistic pricing strategy, and sustain the company through the development of an unrefusable offer.

How is Velocity Manufacturing different than other methodologies?

Lean and Six Sigma are all great tools, but they lack a focusing mechanism.  Lean says to reduce waste.  But where?  Everywhere.  Six Sigma says to reduce variability.  But where?  Everywhere.  These approaches can take a long time to result in an increase in the bottom-line.

These methodologies lack a focusing mechanism. 

With Velocity Manufacturing we focus our efforts where they can have the most leverage – your constraint.

Who is velocity manufacturing designed for?

Velocity Manufacturing was designed specifically for the complex environment of job shops and custom manufacturers.

How complex an environment can we handle?  Check out this article:  Job Shop Scheduling Problems

To determine if YOUR shop is a good fit, fill out a strategy session form!

Is there anyone who should NOT do Velocity Manufacturing?

Definitely, yes. People who do not want to take action and do the hard work required. Now, there’s nothing necessarily complex or hard, like say calculus, in Velocity Manufacturing. The hard part is having the courage to lead the change at your business and not accept any excuses from anyone. Yes, everyone is busy. Yes, they’re all doing the best they can. However, the fact is that if you’re implementing Velocity Manufacturing in your business, it should be THE priority for everyone involved in managing the company.

Velocity Manufacturing is NOT a flavor of the month nor is it an improvement methodology aimed at only one department in your business. It’s a holistic approach, aimed at improving the performance of your entire business.

Is the build, capitalize, and sustain sequence of Velocity Manufacturing the only way to implement?

For most shops, yes.  However if your financial position is at risk and/or deteriorating, we may recommend you start working on the flow of money first.  We will make this determination in your strategy session. 

About Us

The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt

 The Science of Business is a Theory of Constraints consultancy.  We are TOCICO certified experts and the world’s leading authorities on applying Theory of Constraints to custom job shops and machine shops were the constraint can move frequently.

“Dr Lisa” Lang, the founder of Science of Business, worked with Dr Goldratt and discovered that job shops were a unique case.  In job shops the moving constraint makes it difficult to achieve the goal — maximizing profitability.  It’s difficult to chase and then leverage a moving target!  So Science of Business was started to focus on these tough cases.  

Since 2001 we have been putting our money where our mouth is.  We do results based consulting whenever possible, typically for longer term partnerships.  In those cases, 20% to 80% of our fees are based on your results.  And these fees are based on actual bottom-line results, not just accomplishing some task.  If your profits don’t increase then you don’t pay the bonuses.  Period. 

Our philosophy is simple – we help clients maximize profits.  Our results oriented approach is driven by helping our clients to FOCUS on what’s necessary to achieve the results they are after and to LEVERAGE their existing resources to achieve those results. Most often clients are able to achieve more with their current resources.

We believe in working collaboratively with our clients to ensure transfer of skills and lasting changes.  Our engagements are anything from a brief training or assessment to a 14 week coaching program to a Viable Vision project lasting 4 years or more.  

If you have read The Goal and want similar results.  Let’s talk and see if we can help. Fill out the form on this page to schedule a time.